You are offically a VISIONARY!

Join the VISION TEAM!  It’s takes a team effort to create a weekend worship experience that captures the love of Christ. The Vision Team is an incredible group of people that are empowered to use their god-given gifts to impact their world.  There are a variety of ways you can serve on Sunday’s.  Click on the Serve button below to complete a form and let us know how you would like to serve.










LVC is creating an offering of additional discipleship classes.  More information forthcoming.

Visionary Tool Kit

The days of just sitting in a church pew on Sunday morning, listening to boring speakers and even worse singing, and expecting life transformation to happen are gone. Let's be honest, those days were always a myth. Jesus wants so much more for you. He promises a life of adventure, and we want to help you find it.

Receive Teaching Weekly

Watching a message as a community is a concept that has been in practice since the beginning of the church in Antioch.  There is power in this shared experience that creates a common ground for discussion, and a path towards growth.

Connect with God Daily

Communication is critical to any relationship.   The same rule applies when it comes to God.  Make sure you carve out time daily to spend in his presence for the purpose of prayer and intimacy. There’s no right or wrong way to get started.

Serve Others

We’ve found that when you focus on helping others, you can discover surprising things about yourself. Serving others is transformational. It can be surprisingly fun, a gateway to new friends and an opportunity to encounter God.

Live Generously

We believe that generosity makes ordinary lives extraordinary. We understand that jumping into a tithe (10% of your income) is super intimidating, but we encourage everyone to start somewhere.  God uses giving to create a heart of gratitude, deepen your life of worship and propel you into greater levels of maturity and stewardship.

Join Community

The people you surround yourself with have a direct impact on the quality of your life. Scripture declares that bad company corrupts good morals.  The opposite is also true.  Surrounding yourself with other Visionaries helps set you on a path of discovering God’s will for your life.

Get Baptized

This is EXCITING! Baptism is your way of outwardly declaring that you said yes to God’s invitation. Being baptized shows others that you’ve decided to follow Jesus, and allows them to celebrate this decision with you (Acts 16:31-34).

Share Your Story

Sharing stories is a powerful way to build community and learn from one another. Sharing the story of what God is doing in our lives, whether on a grand scale or in the smallest details, not only strengthens your faith but it builds the kingdom.